Interesting talk at Trumbull Historical Society

I went to Dan Deluca’s “Old Leatherman” presentation today where he shared some interesting new information about proof of the Leatherman’s presence, and shelters in Trumbull, CT.

During the question and answer period, Dan was kind enough to recognize me, and even give me the floor to explain the purpose of this site.  I explained to those in attendance that I would never stand in the way of public safety, I’m really just questioning whether moving his grave is the best and only possible solution to accomplish that goal.  I also mentioned that we should consider what our descendants, and the previous residents of the towns he visited would have thought about the taking of anatomical gifts, and forensic study of his remains in the name of “Research”.   Most importantly, as stewards of his legacy, and remains, we should be asking ourselves, “Is the taking of anatomical gifts to learn more about him something that he would’ve consented to, or been comfortable with?”


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